A spades app where you can learn to play, add friends, and send messages!


Learn to Play

Learn to play without judgement or criticism

Add Friends

Add friends so you can choose your own partner

Send Messages

Chat directly with friends and competitors


For the Culture

An app created with a deeper knowledge and appreciation of spades culture. We have taken our time to insure that we have created a gameplay experience that is as close to real life as possible.

Click on the link below for a live demo.

  View Demo  

Learn to Play

No more being shamed or embarrassed for not knowing how to play. The Blvck Spades app gives users the ability to learn to play directly in the app.

Learn at your own pace with no judgment or criticism.

Add Partners

It didn’t make sense to us that you couldn’t choose your partner on other spades apps. So, we fixed it! The Blvck Spades app gives users the ability to add partners so that you can play with anyone on your partner list.

If you don’t have a partner the app will find one for you. If you like them, you can add them to your partner list so that you can play with them again in the future.

Send Messages

Send a direct message to anyone on the app with our messaging feature. Because, why not?

Why wouldn’t you be able to communicate with the people that you are playing with/against. Spades is all about community, it just makes sense for you to have a community on the app as well.

Yup, You Can Renege

Although reneging is the cardinal sin of spades, we thought it was ridiculous that there was no way to renege on other apps.

You guessed it, we added that too! The Blvck Spades app gives users the ability to renege, but do so at your own risk. We have incorporated a “call renege” button, so don’t get caught slippin!


* indicates required


Behind The App

E. Mackey
E. Mackey

E. Mackey


Victoria Walker
Victoria Walker

Victoria Walker


Matt Castilla
Matt Castilla

Matt Castilla

Testing & QA

Meloni Boatswain
Meloni Boatswain

Meloni Boatswain

Director of Development